Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Cute Grandma!

Flat Stanley

I'm not sure if you are familiar with the "Flat Stanley" stories. About a boy who can travel to different places inside an envelope because he is FLAT. In second grade, Natalie's class sent Flat Stanley to visit someone they knew that lived far away. Natalie sent Flat Stanley to her Great Grandma Wheeler ,(my Grandma) who lives in Star Valley Wyoming. I laughed so hard to see the pictures that grandma sent back to Natalie's class. Some times I think Grandma's and Grandpa's are just so cute. My Grandma really got into this project and sent everyone in Nat's class a personal postcard. I wish I could visit with her more often. Sometimes, that's all they need, is someone to come visit. I Love You Grandma!!!


Alicia said...

That is so cute!!!

Amanda said...

We have loved the Flat Stanley adventures at our house. You have a very cute grandma!