Tuesday's Top Ten
Reasons why Winter must Go!
#10 reason why winter must go....I can't Wait to change heavy coats for jackets,snow boots for regular shoes, and no more wet melted snow on the floors, from them both.
#9 reason why winter must go.....I don't snow ski. I don't care about "FRESH POWDER"!
#8 reason why winter must go.....I hate driving in it.
#7 reason why winter must go.....Ugly debris on the sides of roads, that was covered up by the snow.
#6 reason why winter must go...maybe it will get warm enough for occupants of this home to venture out and take down not only Christmas decor, but also last year Fall Decor! (HELLO! it's now march!)
I am so sick of winter! I hate how spring teases us all March. It's time to break out the flip flops!
Ya I agree winter should go. I have to say the one thing I have never had to deal with is the TP.
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