Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh Where! Oh Where, Has My Blogging Gone?

Ok So I took the summer off of Blogging. Actually I really didn't have a choice. Having school out really messed up my routine. With kids home, I had no time for the computer, or should I say I didn't get any time ON THE computer. Now... oh wonderful, wonderful school! I have time to myself. I'm not breaking up fights, nagging about chores, driving kids from one place to another, and trying to entertain! Blessed SCHOOL! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my kids this summer, it's just by August, we are ALL ready to go back to school!

Natalie and Porter 1st Day of School

Porter started Kindergarten this year. My last one to finally get to go to school. Did I cry? Not quite. Actually I went Grocery Shopping and enjoyed it for once. I took my time, didn't have to detour the toy section, to get to the other side of the store, I took the time to read labels and compare prices and didn't have any surprised purchases in my cart, it was wonderful.


Hakuna Matata said...

Wheewwww... I'm so glad you're back! It seems this is the only way we stay caught up with each other! =0)

Alicia said...

YAY!! I can't wait for that moment. Brooke started kindergarten in the afternoons (not by choice) and Carson has morning preschool. Hardly a break for me:(

the Brakey's said...

I did cry when my last one went to school!!! Not sure why really but after walking him to school, I walked back homea ll by myself and bawled the whole way! That was 4 years ago. Now I bawl every time he tracks off!

the Brakey's said...
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Kierstin said...

That would be so fun. let us know next time you go and we'll see what we've got going on. THanks for the invite:)