Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Break and Break Easter Traditions

The day of matching Easter Dress is now in the pass. I grew up having to match Easter Dresses with my sisters, and having girls myself, carried on the tradition. Yes, some years were difficult finding matching dresses, but I did it! Today........NO MORE!! My teenagers REFUSE to match anymore! What?!!? I was heart broken, yet if you have teenagers, you know that some things are not worth arguing over, so yes, I gave in. In fact I gave Kailey the car keys and credit card and said "take your sister's and go pick your own dresses this year!" Hum...I've got to say it was one less thing I had to worry about, and kinda nice!

Dying Easter eggs too has kinda changed. Yes all the kids had their eggs, and decorated them the way they wanted, however, again the teenagers changed the tradition, of letting the "Easter Bunny take the eggs to hide, so they could find their own decorated eggs in the morning. Instead my two teens decided to cracked their eggs open as soon as they were dyed, and made egg salad sandwiches. I was miffed! Why did they even bother dying them? I know I too, was a teenager, yet I can't seem to understand my own.

For one day of our Easter Break, We decided to go up to Daddy's stomping grounds. He showed us all around the campus of the University of Utah. We went to the History Museum, and then to a favorite student hangout, "The Pie" for lunch.

porter running from the dinosaur. (he thought that was way funny)

Natalie inside a bubble of an aquarium

Kelsey and Kailey next to a Wolf. (they were hoping it was Jacob from Twilight)

Kailey and Kelsey sitting on a large Dinosaur Bone.


Alicia said...

I am always so amazed by how big your kids are getting.

the Brakey's said...

Beautiful girls-and a little stud! My mom always made our Easter dresses with one for herself to match. Can you imagine? The ones I remember most where multiple gingham, floor length! WOW! Not missing those days much!

jkennington said...

What darling girls and cute dresses. Great memories! Thinking back, I made so many matching Easter dresses, and I put lots of love into them too. I hope you have some good memories of those matching dresses! I love you all. Mom, (Grandma K.)

Heather said...

Sometimes it's a relief and sometimes sad to hit those growing up milestones in life! But I guess the time had to come. Still a beautiful family, even without the matching dresses:)

Laura said...


The Ludwig Family said...

Well the dresss are cute even if they do not match. Sounds like a fun day at the U !