Sunday, January 18, 2009

9 Goals for 2009

Me and my dog Ellie (I got her for my Birthday in 2008)
9 Goals I want to Accomplish in 2009
Listening to a lot of experts on how to accomplish goals, I was repetitively told NOT to make too hard or unrealistic goals, that would be impossible to achieve. So this list was very hard to come up with, but I managed to come up with 9. I figured that being "Being more healthy" was a given, so didn't even bother listing that goal, because for as long as I can remember, that has been my ongoing goal.
1. Get out of debt (Pay off my credit card)
2. Take the kids to Dreaded Disneyland (I have a phobia of Disney-anything)
3. Paint and Redecorate my entire upstairs (ok maybe just livingroom, entry, and possibly kitchen)
4. Make a Memory Book of my Sister Bonnie
5. Read the BofM and D&C again
6. Visit the Temple more often (I'm trying for at least once a month)
7. Give up Pepsi (at least cut back)
8.To unspoil Porter (this one will by my hardest)
9. To spoil Jared (this one will be easy)
Wish me Luck!!


jfasioe said...

I like #9. Perhaps you should move it up on the list to make sure it happens.

Janalynn said...

Actually I hoping you would help me out on this one, that's why I put you on #10

Janalynn said...

Actually I hoping you would help me out on this one, that's why I put you on #10

jkennington said...

I love your list---you have made some great priorties---I would just have one suggestion---pray daily for Kelsey!!!!! And also Kailey and Natalie and Porter---especially Kelsey--these next years are so crucial and will affect her's and your life forever. I pray for you all everyday. I love you, Mom

Laura said...

You go girl!!!! Ok- Cane River love the book-Agree cutting back on the Pepsi(starting that soon:)Also trying to paint three rooms upstairs(Hoping to aleast get one done).Eating the CPK salad with you girls at lunch- LOVE IT:)

AIMEE said...

How is the Pepsi thing coming? That was one of my goals for "09".
I haven't had a drop yet. I tell people I will in an emergency situation though. So far so good.
I wish you the best of luck on that one.

Biffy said...

Awesome goals! I read through them and and thought they sounded huge, but when you think of it spread over a year, they are way more doable. You're inspiring me to make a goal list, too.