Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday's Top Ten

Being the week of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be appropriate to list the top ten things I am THANKFUL for.
10. Automatic Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher (all major appliances)
9. Indoor plumbing, heating, air conditioning (My Home)
8. Modern Medicine
7. Employment
6. Health
5. Friends
4. My Parents, and siblings
3. My Children
2. Jared (He's just happy to be in the top ten)
And the #1 Thing I am Thankful for is...
1. My Testimony of the Gospel.

1 comment:

jkennington said...

Janalynn, I love your top 10 list! I would add well stocked grocery stores (We don't have to grow everything we eat.) I am thankful for you and your family!!!You are at the top of my list! See you tomorrow. love mom